For now, call this UGRAPH since we have no other graph implementations. A basic undirected graph implemented with a hash table from nodes to neighbors. This implementation mainly specifies the access routines.

Flattened version is here



add_node(n: NTP)
**** Add a node "n".
Technical detail: Since the node index for "n" is the same as the node for this particular implementation, there is no need to return a value. Note that this function is not in the graph abstraction
add_node(n: NTP):NTP
**** Replaces an existing node that is the same as "n" This function is guaranteed to return the same node, "n" though this is not true of graph implementations in general
add_node: NTP
**** Add a new node and return the index
connect(n1,n2: NTP)
**** Connect n1 and n2. Add the nodes if they do not exist
copy: SAME
create(node_gen: $SUCC_STREAM{NTP}): SAME
**** Create a new ugraph. Store "node_gen" as a generator of nodes, so that when "add_node: NTP" is called it can generate unique new nodes.
create: SAME
**** All the data structures can be initialized with void
delete_node(n: NTP)
**** Delete a node from the graph, and all its accompanying edges
disconnect(n1,n2: NTP)
**** Deletes the edge between n1 and n2 if it exists
is_identical(g: SAME): BOOL
**** Check whether the two graphs have the same nodes, edges in the same order
n_adjacent(n: NTP): INT
n_nodes: INT
new_edge(n1,n2: NTP): UEDGE{NTP}
permute_nodes(new_positions: $MAP{NTP,INT})
**** Permute the nodes of the graph so that they will be yielded in the order expressed by "new_positions"
**** Reduce the graph to a canonical form based on the sorting order of nodes and edges
test_edge(s,t: NTP): BOOL
test_node(n: NTP): BOOL

adjacent!(once n: NTP): NTP
edge!: UEDGE{NTP}
**** Return all edges in the graph. A problem, since we represent edges in both directions. We might want to either maintain a hash table of edges already seen or generate a matching or something of the sort. Or can use some arbitrary test to choose one or the other. such as lt For now, use a set which holds all nodes for which all edges have been yielded edges yielded
node!: NTP


add_neighbor(n1,n2: NTP)
check_node(n: NTP,routine_name: STR): BOOL
attr neighbor_map: FMAP{NTP,FLIST{NTP}};
**** holds mappings from each node to all it's neighbors
attr neighbor_map: FMAP{NTP,FLIST{NTP}};
**** holds mappings from each node to all it's neighbors
attr node_generator: $SUCC_STREAM{NTP};
**** Generator of nodes which is used by add_node. If a node generator is not provided at creation time, then add_node cannot be used, since the graph does not know how to create new unique nodes.
attr node_generator: $SUCC_STREAM{NTP};
**** Generator of nodes which is used by add_node. If a node generator is not provided at creation time, then add_node cannot be used, since the graph does not know how to create new unique nodes.
attr node_list: FLIST{NTP};
attr node_list: FLIST{NTP};

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